Sunday, June 8, 2008

My First Blog

I am currently 33 1/2 weeks pregnant and on bed rest. Yesterday, after a visit with some friends, one of them mentioned that I should start a blog. This way, I can keep friends and family posted on all of the things that are happening in our world leading up to and after the birth of our "little man." I'm not very technologically savvy, but I figured I'd give it a shot!

I live in a beautiful flat in San Francisco with my husband, Michael, and our very handsome miniature daschund, Petey.Petey has been amazing throughout my whole bed rest experience. The majority of the day he spends snuggled in the crook of my legs, with that big old nose of his rested on my knees. He's great company (I bet the mailman, UPS, and Fedex might argue).

Yesterday Mike painted the nursery a brilliant blue and I watched him put together the stroller. The thing is HUGE and was hysterical to watch Mike assemble. I thought there might be a few moments where he was going to give up all together. However, he remained calm and now we have a beautiful stroller. Who knew strollers could be so complicated? I just hope I can remember how to take the thing apart and put it back together!?!?

So this is my first blog, how exciting. I should post some pictures of the nursery as it comes let's see if I can get this posted. Hehehehe!


Anonymous said...

Dara- I love your blog! (Well, of course, because I'm your mother!). We'll add more photos next Sunday on Father's Day! Hang onto the little guy!!!! xoxoxox Mom

Anonymous said...

LOVE, love, love the blog... I feel like I'm up to date now:) Can't wait to meet the little guy & I'm glad you like the squeaky green...

xo~ Lynn