Monday, July 21, 2008

Pee and Poo

Mike and I went to see Wall-E yesterday, which was pretty cute. The storyline was very clever. We went to the Kabuki theater, which had a makeover recently. Mike was very excited about the bar in the theater and said it was his new favorite theater in the city. (It doesn't take a lot to make his "favorites" list). It is convenient, though. You can buy your tickets on-line, and choose your seats. The other plus is the parking garage that is right under the's the little things that you learn to appreciate living in the city.
When we got home, there was a present waiting for us. Well, not for us, but for Ben. Mike had seen this in a store down in Hayes Valley once, and thought it was pretty great.
It was a gift from The Plock's...thank you Ferris and Kelly. I'm sure little "B" is going to love his Pee and Poo dolls!

Completely unrelated to bodily functions, here are a few pictures that Mike took last weekend with his Rolleiflex camera. The camera had originally belonged to his great-grandfather, and it takes some beautiful pictures!

As of now, we are 3 days away from our due date! Hopefully our little man will be here very soon!


yewknee said...

Wow, the Pee & Poo guys are hilarious!

Those photos turned out wonderfully. I look forward to hearing about the successful growth of the Buzzard household.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! I've been thinking about you a lot the past few days.

Um, not to put a damper on them, but "Pee" and "Poo" won't seem so fun after you've changed the 7,329,837,501,973,509,745,612,938,653,027th daiper!

Love you!