Saturday, November 1, 2008

The November Rain is Here

It's November 1st and our beautiful Indian Summer has come to an end. The month of October was warm and wonderful! I think it was the most perfect weather month of the whole year. It's sad to see it end, but the holidays are almost here. Usually when I am working in the schools I am so aware of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and all of the Winter Holidays, but since I've been home with the little munchkin, I seem to have lost all sense of time.

Little B is now a little over 3 1/2 months and has become so much fun! I definitely think that at 12 weeks the "Fourth Trimester Fog"has lifted and he has become this smiley, content little fellow. Now when he's awake he's happy, alert, and so interested in the world around him. He's discovered now that he can get his hands into his mouth and likes to suck his two middle fingers (which makes a ton of noise) and has become a big fan of his pacifier. Whatever makes him happy!

Mike's brother, Chad, and his family, Deedee and Caleb are coming for the weekend to meet Ben. It should be a nice weekend (and Caleb can give Petey lot's of extra special love).

Ben's friend, Owen (who we go to Yoga with on Wednesdays) was hosting a Halloween picnic in the park last weekend. We were so excited to put on Ben's giraffe costume

Getting ready for the picnic.

Owen! Our host with the most.

Dimitri-the cutest (and biggest) Sweet Pea that I ever did see!

Eskimo kisses with my Daddy.

"Why do you think it's so funny to blow in my face?!?!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, what a sweet little giraffe!! I don't know who has more fun getting dressed up for Halloween, the kids or the parents seeing the kids dressed up! I can't wait to see Ben again next weekend!
