Saturday, November 15, 2008

A lot to be Thankful for

I don't know if the time of year (or our 80 degree weather which has me in such a good mood) has had anything to do with my sudden overwhelming feelings, but lately I've just been feeling so thankful...

-thankful for our amazing, happy, and healthy little boy

-thankful for my wonderful (even though he can be crazy at times) husband

-thankful for Petey, our wacky dog

-thankful I'm able to work part-time at a beautiful school and continue doing what I love

-thankful Molly, my mother-in-law, beat Breast Cancer

-thankful for my incredible mom and dad, to whom I owe so much

-thankful I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and clothes on my back

-thankful for my friendships

-thankful that there is nothing I need (I have it all)

-thankful for walks to the corner cafe with my family

-thankful for the country house

-thankful for my health (one of these days I'll get back to the gym, I'm thankful for my gym membership as well)

-thankful for mornings laying in bed with my family, listening to Ben babble and watching his face light up with smiles...

-thankful for the farmer's market Saturdays

-thankful I get to wake up everyday to my wonderful life...

It's a good life. I'm a lucky girl.


Anonymous said...

OMG! Ben is adorable!! I just want to love him all over and kiss his cheeks!!


Becca said...

This post made me happy and thankful to have you as a sister in law.