Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Samuel Emerson Buzzard is here!

Sam is here...and I'm only three weeks late in writing a post about it. We are quickly getting adjusted to baby life again, which has caused me a fuzzy brain from lack of sleep. (Not to mention that we also have a VERY BUSY two year old, so life keeps moving along...any advice from experienced mommies is welcome....yesterday I found myself nursing Sam while eating my lunch and making sure Ben ate his lunch...is this normal???...I guess I need to master the art of multi-tasking....yikes!)

Sam is wonderful. He eats, sleeps, fusses a little, and snuggles a lot! My labor was such a different experience than Ben's labor...there I go, comparing already, but it's really amazing just how different the two are. Sam's disposition is so different than Ben's was at this age (this ripe old age of three weeks), but I can't wait to watch and see what Sam will be like, and how they will be as brothers. So far Ben has been extremely loving...but of-course Sam hasn't tried to steal any of his Thomas trains.

Mike has taken a good bit of time off of work, and he has been spending a lot of quality time with Ben...which I know Ben has just loved. They have gone on some great adventures...steam train rides, the airplane museum, San Francisco...not to mention hours of riding the scooter that Sam got him...it has been nice for me to have some time to bond with Sam and get to know him.

Hopefully soon we'll settle into a routine and Sam will decide that he'd like to sleep some longer stretches at night (which I'd really appreciate)...and life will start to feel "normal" again...our new normal (whatever that is).

1 comment:

Annie said...

OMG, Dara, Sam is the spitting image of you! So adorable...I can't wait to meet him in person.

Yes, you are totally normal for nursing the baby, eating lunch, and supervising Ben as well. This is usually how I eat after the baby is born! Just make sure to cut it up into bite-sized pieces before you sit down!

Remember that at around 3 weeks babies go through a growth spurt. Usually that first means that they eat seemingly non-stop, but then they also sleep a lot as well. Hopefully Sam will get the memo and start giving you a little break on the sleep situation!

Hang in there, mama! You're doing great!