Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Few Firsts

Ben had his very first trip to the dentist and did an incredible job. The funniest part about it, to me, is that his dentist was my dentist when I was little, the Snoopy Dentist! Everything in his office is Snoopy. Ben even got to go to the dog house and pick out a toy when it was all over. I remember doing the very same thing. It's so amazing to me how we've come full circle.

Ben's other big first was starting pre-school this week. He'll be going two days a week, and a bunch of his friends and neighborhood kids are in his class! Look at that big boy smile!

1 comment:

Annie said...

We (and I went) go to the same dentist!! Dr. Spencer is the bomb! And look at the big boy on the trike! Sniff! I imagine this is what our moms felt like when we were growing up. Gosh, talk about full circle. Gee, now I'm starting to feel like my mom...