Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Bit of a Scare

Thursday night around midnight we hear Ben wake up and call out, "Icky Lovey, Icky Lovey...." (Lovey is what he calls his blanket). Mike went in to investigate, only to discover Ben had gotten sick. We bathed him, changed his clothes, retrieved alternate lovey from the closet and brought him into bed with us...only to have him get sick again...(so we had to repeat the steps and find alternate sleeping arrangements since our bed was now "icky"). We stripped our sheets and we all went to sleep on the air-mattress in the guest room (including Petey who managed to squeeze himself in). Luckily, we made it through the rest of the night without any further incidence.

Friday he seemed fine. We avoided milk, watched some Sesame Street, and stayed inside because of the rain. He slept through the night and woke up Saturday morning at his usual time.

I went to get him and bring him into bed with us, because we usually "nuggle" (snuggle) and read books and wake up. As soon as he crawled into our bed he fell asleep again, definitely strange for him. I decided to get up and get breakfast going and left the two lazies sleeping soundly. Once Ben did decide to get up, he stumbled into the kitchen and laid down right where he was standing, closing his eyes and going back to sleep. I picked him up and put him on the couch where he fell over sitting up and fell back asleep.

Something was wrong.

Luckily we have a great hospital minutes from our house, so we got in the car and headed over to the ER. Once there they gave B an IV (after pricking the poor thing 4 times to get it in), took blood, did some x-rays and determined the cause of his sleepiness. Due to being sick the two nights prior his blood sugar was low and he was dehydrated. Once they gave him and sugar, apple juice, and a bag of fluid, he was chatting away once again...much to our relief. He was so brave throughout the whole time in the hospital. The only time he cried was not when they were treating him like a pin cushion, but when they were taking off the tape to remove the IV! Such a tough little cookie.

This was certainly not the way we had planned to spend our Saturday morning, but thankful a little sugar and hydration was all it took to get him back to his old self. Phew!

1 comment:

Zander's Blog said...

Dara...we can totally relate! Zander had the rota virus when he was about 1 1/2. He had to be admitted to the hospital and put on an IV because he was dehydrated as well. It was the scaryest 24 hours of my life! I am so glad that Ben is doing well...we love you guys and send hugs from NC!