Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thank Goodness for Grandmas!

Ben is very lucky to have two AMAZING grandmas, Nonni and Mops.

His Nonni (and sometimes Grandpa David) drive to the city every Monday to watch Ben while Mike and I are work. Together they lunch, shop, nap, and take long walks together. Ben's Nonni helps us out tremendously, and we are forever grateful.

Ben's Grandma Mops lives a bit farther away, a 4 1/2-6 hour plane ride, depending on which direction across the country you are flying. Recently Mops came for a visit and helped us out of a tricky situation. Little Ben started out sleeping beautifully in his bassinet and then around 3 1/2 months or so, we transitioned him to his crib. It all seemed to be going fine-"ish" until we went out of town two weekends in a row, broke up our routine, and let the little man sleep with us. Needless to say we were having one heck of a time getting him to sleep in his own crib, got lazy, and had a slumber party every night.

Upon her arrival, we asked her advice (having raised four children of her own). That night she poured me a few glasses of wine, we let Ben cry a little (and really, it was just a little), and Mops camped out on his floor on the air mattress and helped him back to sleep each time he woke up. The next night was a little easier, and by night five, Ben was sleeping through the night! In his crib! And napping there, too! I'm not religious at all, but HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! Mops is a miracle worker. We're all getting some sleep now thanks to Mops...who knows what her secret is, but from what I understand, helping sleep train babies is a big business. Mops should seriously consider this as an option, I'm sure a lot of sleep deprived mommies would pay big $$$ for her services.

Thank you Grandma's! We love you!

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