Saturday, January 31, 2009


This morning I got up, and for the first time in a long time (way too long), I went for a run. It felt amazing! I had my running mix on the ipod, the sun was shining, and everyone seemed to be out enjoying the day. As I was running, feeling totally charged, I couldn't help but appreciate my body. A body that has changed and created another perfect body. A body that just 6 months earlier was carrying little Benjamin inside. I smiled ear to ear as I ran and told myself this would only be the first of many Saturday runs to come.

When I got home, I called my mom to say "good morning." As we were talking, she told me about a woman she knew, her age, who had been going about life as usual and went in for a routine eye exam. At the visit, her doctor found something and told her to go to the hospital immediately. What they found was a brain tumor. They operated to try to remove the tumor, but there was bleeding in her brain. She went brain dead, and a few days later, she died. I cried when I heard this story. I don't know this woman, but it just re-enforces was a gift life is. I look at Ben and Mike and think how every moment is precious. I know it seems a bit corny, but in the blink of an eye, it could all be gone.

Then I started to think, when my time is up, how will I be remembered? What stories will Ben tell his children about me? What will the students and teachers I have worked with say? What stories will my friends remember? What would Mike say about me? It makes me think about every action I take, how I talk to people, treat people, judgments I may make before I actually know someone. I'm glad I'm feeling reflective today. Sometimes it's nice to take a step back and look around.

How will people remember you?

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