As I was getting ready this morning, I was greeted by a rolli polli bug cruising along our carpet. A rolli polli is much less offensive than a gigantic spider, or a mosquito, or a flying bug I can't even identify, but it's still an icky bug nonetheless.
Enter suburbia...a place where you have ample room to run around, plenty of parking, Target, and a LARGE VARIETY of icky bugs! Living in San Francisco we certainly had our share of mesquitos. On those rare, warm nights, they would congregate over the still puddles of water in the park that hadn't fully absorbed into grass. Of-course, we had raccoon sightings, but rarely an icky bug.
Now, icky bugs are becoming the norm. I'm not a fan a of the bug, flying, crawling, or creeping along our carpet. However, unless we make the exterminator a regular friend, I'm afraid I will have to make peace with the icky bugs.